DNSSEC: The way to protect your Network

In today’s digital landscape, ensuring the security and integrity of data transmitted over the internet is paramount. One of the critical components of internet infrastructure is the Domain Name System (DNS), which translates human-readable domain names into IP addresses. However, the DNS system was not originally designed with security in mind, making it vulnerable to various attacks. To address these vulnerabilities, DNS Security Extensions (DNSSEC) were introduced. This blog post delves into the intricacies of DNSSEC, explaining what it is, how it works, and why it is essential for protecting your network.

Understanding DNS and Its Vulnerabilities

The Domain Name System (DNS) acts as the internet’s phonebook, enabling users to access websites using domain names instead of numerical IP addresses. When you enter a domain name into your browser, a DNS query is initiated, and the DNS server translates the domain name into an IP address, directing your browser to the correct website.

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Understanding SERVFAIL: How it Affects You?

In the digital age, where internet connectivity is akin to a lifeline for many operations, encountering issues like SERVFAIL can be more than just a minor inconvenience. This blog post aims to demystify what SERVFAIL means, its causes, and its implications on your online activities.


SERVFAIL, short for “Server Failure,” is an error message that is returned by the Domain Name System (DNS) when it is unable to process a query due to a problem with the server. This error can happen for a variety of reasons and is a signal that something went wrong in the process of translating a domain name into an IP address.

How to Diagnose SERVFAIL Errors?

Continue reading Understanding SERVFAIL: How it Affects You?

Importance of PTR record

PTR record might not be a term that easily comes to mind, yet it plays a crucial role in ensuring the efficiency and reliability of various online services. In this blog post, we will delve into the importance of these records and explore why they are essential for businesses and individuals alike.

What is a PTR Record?

PTR, which stands for Pointer, is a type of Domain Name System (DNS) record that is used to perform a Reverse DNS lookup. Unlike traditional DNS records, which translate domain names into IP addresses, PTR records do the reverse—they associate IP addresses with corresponding domain names. In simple terms, a Pointer record helps identify the domain name associated with a specific IP address.

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The purpose of Monitoring service

Monitoring service: What does it imply?

For reliable service and a good user experience, Monitoring service is crucial. Additionally, it helps detect problems with your services, including email, DNS, and web. Additionally, it provides you with thorough information regarding the condition of your servers and enables you to locate and fix issues quickly.

Real-time Monitoring and tracking of your servers’ status are also possible. Any issues, such as component failure or unusually slow traffic, will be simple to identify and fix.

The Monitoring service has the ability to notify users automatically. As a result, you will receive an email, SMS, or other notifications whenever an issue occurs.

Get your Monitoring service plan to keep track of your network!

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List of DNS terms that every administrator should know

Here’s a quick rundown of the most useful DNS terms. Learning the complex structure of the Domain Name System as a beginner can be extremely frustrating. But, if we start explaining, everything will become much more straightforward and make more sense.

Domain Name System (DNS)

The Domain Name System, or DNS, is a critical component of the Internet. It’s a global naming database that converts internet domain names to IP addresses (Internet Protocol). DNS is a multi-level hierarchical system that is decentralized. Humans no longer need to remember long and complicated numbers (for example, in order to access and explore every website thanks to this technology. Instead, visitors can type the domain name directly into their browser and go to their selected web page.

Dynamic DNS

Dynamic DNS is the second term in our list of DNS terms. Dynamic DNS (DDNS) has the advantage of automatically updating and changing the host’s IP address.

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DDoS Protected DNS service: Meaning and Importance

DDoS protected DNS service is a type of technology that aids in the prevention of DDoS attacks. So, today, we will explore the purpose of this service and how this attack works. Finally, we will explain the importance of DDoS Protected DNS. So, let’s start.

The meaning behind “DDoS Protected DNS service”

The DDoS protection DNS service operates by keeping track of various criteria in the account of incoming international Internet traffic traveling to the protected hosts. The suspect traffic is routed to the cleaning platform in the case that there is a divergence from the typical consumption profile. The assaulting packets are eliminated, and only the legal ones are permitted to proceed to their destination after thoroughly reviewing this traffic. In addition, even if an attacker successfully brings down a server, others will continue to work for your company, resulting in no downtime.

An effective DDoS protected DNS service that is worth your attention!

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Get familiar with DNS Load balancing

Purpose of DNS Load balancing

DNS Load balancing is a way of dispersing client requests across server computers using domain configuration. The domain name could be linked to a website, email system, or any other Internet-based service.

What is the difference between DNS load balancing and Hardware load balancing?

Continue reading Get familiar with DNS Load balancing

3 popular DNS attack types and how to prevent them? 

Computer hackers frequently use security gaps or unpatched weaknesses in the domain name system to launch DNS attack types. In this article, we will take a look at the most popular of them that you should be aware of and how to avoid them.

Consequences of DNS Attacks

Continue reading 3 popular DNS attack types and how to prevent them? 

List of DNS records to improve your Email security

These DNS records are going to help you set the grounds for extremely secure and safe email communication. So, let’s start with our short list.

A record

One of the most popular DNS records is the A record, also known as an Address record. It points a domain name to its corresponding IP address (IPv4 address). Its purpose is fundamental. In addition, it shows that the particular domain name is associated with that IP address. However, it does not direct the mail servers, and they wouldn’t know where they should send email messages.

What is a SMTP server and why to use it?

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